From Principal's Desk

We stand poised on the threshold of a new era
an era of the renaissance
anera of change in the dynamics of education.

In the light of the same, Army Public School has adjusted its sails to face the sweeping winds of change. The aim is to equip the students to emerge as holistic human beings who continue to grow in knowledge, curiosity, courage, creativity, achievements, confidence, competence with the sense of fulfillment and understanding.

We believe that the task of building a new world must find support in our schools, where our young stude...

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रस कौमुदी
Annual Function
APS Raiwala 2022-23

News Coverage - एपीएस रायवाला ने जीती फुटबॉल प्रतियोगिता


Class X and XII CBSE Board Results 2024

About The School

Welcome to APS Raiwala
Army School Raiwala established in 1981 is a Senior Seconday Co-Educational CBSE affiliated institution.

The school has classes I to XII. Curriculum and academic assessment is planned on the basis of syllabus. Regular tests are conducted to ease off the exam pressure. An annual planner containing dates of all Academic and Co-curricular activities and test time table is handed over the parents at the beginning of the session. The last batch of class X &XII passed out with 100% quality result. Ample opportunities are provided to the children to bring out their talent in the field of Games & Sports and other co-curricular activities by organizing Annual Day, Sports Day, Science and Craft exhibitions, Dance and Singing competitions etc. Children are prepared and encouraged to participate in the Inter-house and Inter school debates and competitions in order to inculcate in them a healthy competitive spirits.

Education is very critical for the development of a country and its citizens. It provides us with the tools to navigate through life, to make society a better place not just for us but for the people who are around us and who will come after we are long gone from this planet. Education has also become a topic of discussion and debate in the modern world. In the modern education system, the use of various teaching and learning strategies has sparked an intense discourse between the experts in the field of education. Although, we all agree that the learner-centered strategies are the way to go in the teaching-learning process, but the educational delivery methodology to deliver the content from the instructor to the learner do needs a revision owing to the changing dynamics of the modern world. An Educational DeliveryMethodology is the way in which educational content is conveyed from instructor to students. There are three primary educational delivery methodologies. Face-to-face is the traditional classroom delivery methodology, where all contact between instructors and students is in a physical classroom on campus. However, technology may be used for classroom interaction and students may be required to use computers to complete homework assignments. Web-enhanced classes are the second educational delivery methodology. Web-enhanced classes are held in a traditional classroom with an instructor at a specified time and place. Online interaction doesn’t replace traditional class time but instead complements it. Instructors may employ web enhancements to distribute assignments and grades online while others may use their learning management system (LMS)’s capabilities to administer activities, quizzes and discussions. Moving on to the third methodology of Educational delivery, OnlineClasses are a combination of video recordings and live lectures with course reading and tests. They are generally conducted using a virtual portal through which students gather reading materials, interact with teachers and classmates, view grades, and monitor progress.This type of methodology got a boost during the pandemic. With the global spread of the disease COVID-19, all the educational institutes had to shut down and were forced to conduct classes via the internet. But to avail the benefits of these classes it is recommended to have a good stable internet connection. Like traditional classes, online classes can have a varied workload depending on the course’s difficulty.